Just stay with RTTY a bit longer and you won't need the screen. I can
recognize my own call just by the sound now, as well as CQ.
Jerry W4UK
At 15:22 1/27/03 -0500, may wrote:
>It is always great to work Phil, (not just because he is a great
>multiplier), but because he is so polite. The 40 meter contact was really
>rough though. Conditions were very poor here. Could not get good EU runs
>like I usually do and never did come across some of the DX listed in the
>comments on the 3830 reports. Did pick up a couple of new ones on 40 and
>80 so a worthwhile contest. And I lost the first frequency only 10 minutes
>into the contest!
>Think I will miss the XE test, going for cataract surgery tomorrow. Sure
>will be great to see the screen clearly again.
>73 May WA1EHK