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To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] W1ZT ANARTS 2003 SOSR AB
From: w1zt at attbi.com (George Johnson)
Date: Sun Jun 15 22:52:49 2003
2003    -+- ANARTS RTTY CONTEST -+-
Sponsored by Australian National Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society.

Single OP., All Band, Single Radio

       QSOs Points DX:  Call Areas
80m:    23    206    5     10       Inverted Vee at 60 ft
40m:   154   2294   28     17       Rotary Dipole at 65 ft (Force 12 C4)
20m:   398   6204   53     19       2 El Yagi  Force 12 C4
15m:   155   2670   41      8           "
10m:       8    179    5      0           "

Total: 738   1553
Continents:  6
Total multipliers: 186
VK bonus points: 2600
Score:  12,895,748

Station Description:
Icom 756Pro + SB220  500w
WriteLog + RITTY by K6STI


Thanks to ANARTS for sponsoring this interesting operating event.  And
thanks to all who made it into my log.  It was particularly nice to hear the
VK stations on 40m with conditions as poor as they were at the start of the
event.  I love the point table and I know I can never compete with the South
American scores but it is fun to hunt the last (and maybe lost) continent.
Thanks to CN8LI for my only Africa.  And thanks to Mike, K4GMH, for
encouraging me to keep going Saturday night.  His encouragement produced the
hightlights below.

This has always been one of my favorite events and this year continued the
tradition.  I missed last year due to travel but I planned on at least a
token effort this year.  It turned out to be even more of an effort but lots
of highlights.  The highlights covered the frustration of poor propagation.

After two years of interest in trying to make good on a comment from Bob,
ZL2AMI, that he heard a couple of us on 80m, I was finally able to make an
80m RTTY QSO with him in this contest.  Signals from both ZL2AMI and KH6ND
were excellent on 40m which led to good copy after their respective sunset
for me on 80m.  My thanks to both Bob and Mike for making the effort to
listen for us.  I was was thrilled to be able to copy them so clearly as
well as being heard by them.  In contrast, Europe was very difficult from my
QTH and only 3 stations were heard on 80m.

Signal strength from VK stations was equally good on 40m here but I did not
hear them until my sunrise.  I look forward to listening for them as
sponsors and for the bonus points.  But even with good signals from ZL on
15m I did not find the VK group on that band.

10 meters continues to be open only to South America from my north
lattitude.  Even 15 meters proved very difficult and fickle as the
propagation went up and down.  Saturday was the best day for my log but
propagation favored the southern areas of Europe when it was open.  9A5W
seemed to have propagation all the time.  My planning for a better 40m
antenna continues as conditions move to favor that band over 15m.  There was
no JA opening here on 15m.

Strange lights:
With poor preparation and early in the contest, I decided to enable the
Friend file I picked up on the AA5AU web site.  At first, I thought the
program was not working properly.  I now see that the file is very large.  I
can only guess that my processing speed is not sufficient to be able to pick
up a name beyond the callsign letter J or K in the list.  I also observed
some very "formal" names in the list which don't match what I know to be the
daily names used by many stations.  I recall someone had mentioned this on
the reflector some time ago but I had not done any editing of the file.  I
will make some corrections for the next running of my station.

See you in the next one...  after the USA ARRL Field Day.

George, W1ZT

80m Summary
9A     DL     KH6    LA     ZL

Call Areas
K0   K1   K3   K4   K5   K6   K7   K9
VE3  VE6  VE7

40m Summary
4X     9A     CE9    DL     EA     ER     G      GM     HA     I
KH6    LA     LU     OH     OK     OZ     PA     PY     SM     SP
SV     UA     UR     YL     YO     YV     ZC4    ZL

Call Areas
K0   K1   K2   K3   K4   K5   K6   K7   K8   K9
VK2  VK3  VK6
VE1  VE3  VE6  VE7  VE9

20m Summary
4X     9A     CN     CT     CX     DL     EA     ER     ES     EU
F      FO     G      GI     GM     GU     GW     HA     HB     HK
HR     I      KH6    KP4    LA     LU     LZ     OE     OH     OK
OM     ON     OZ     PA     PY     S5     SM     SP     SV     T9
TI     UA     UA9    UN     UR     XE     YL     YO     YU     YV
Z3     ZC4    ZL

Call Areas
K0   K1   K2   K3   K4   K5   K6   K7   K8   K9
VK2  VK4
VE1  VE2  VE3  VE4  VE6  VE7
JA1  JA3

15m Summary
4X     5B     9A     A4     C3     CE     CM     CN     CP     CX
DL     EA     F      FO     G      GM     GU     HA     I      KH6
LU     LZ     OE     OH     OK     ON     PA     PY     S5     SM
SP     SV     T9     TI     UA     UR     YL     YU     YV     ZC4

Call Areas
K0   K1   K4   K5   K6   K7   K9
VE6  VE7

10m Summary
CE     CX     LU     PY     YV

Call Areas

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