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[RTTY] RE:the KC5YKX comments

To: RTTY Reflector <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] RE:the KC5YKX comments
From: Phil Cooper <Phil.Cooper@cwgg.cwplc.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 16:02:01 +0100
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi all,

Reid, your sentiments are great, but have you ever tried that path? 
I have tried this (in a polite and friendly manner) on a couple of
occasions, and each time I have suffered a tirade of abuse.
The contest this weekend should see a good few lousy signals about!

And it's not only RTTY! Take a look at some of the PSK signals about! The
other nighht at our club station, we were looking at the HB9DRV software
which has the ability to track some 20 signals simultaneously, and surprise,
surprise, some showed exactly the same text from the same station, but 1kHz
The waterfall area showed that the signal was being badly overdriven, but
with this tool, it was easy to actually watch the same text flowing across
the screen.

73 for now

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