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[RTTY] Double Check QSL Card from VK9NS

To: rtty-contesting <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Double Check QSL Card from VK9NS
From: Richard Kriss <aa5vu@arrl.net>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 21:59:28 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
The good news was opening the mail today and finding a QSL from Jim Smith
VK9NS for our 28 MHz QSO on 27-Sep-03.  The bad news is Jim's new QSL card
does NOT have a box for RTTY so he circled the CW box :-(

I already have a VK9 CW card and was looking forward to a VK9NS RTTY card
for the RTTY-DXCC.  I have 141 worked but only have 90 cards. I feel sure it
was a good RTTY QSO and sent Jim an email note. The response came back
saying he will be out of touch until July.

If you are counting on a VK9NS QSL card for a RTTY DXCC credit, I suggest
your double check the card to see if it really says RTTY.

Getting the cards is hard and very expensive.  I have signed up for LoTW but
want to file for the DXCC RTTY endorsement the old fashion way - with cards.

Dick, AA5VU

Ps: If someone runs into VK9NS at Dayton, please ask him about his new QSL
card with no RTTY option to be circled.

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