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Re: [RTTY] Getting back into RTTY

To: "RTTY Mailing List" <RTTY@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Getting back into RTTY
From: "Rick Mintz" <Rmintz@Rochester.rr.com>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 12:14:30 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
In no particular order....

RTTY by WF1B - available free as mentioned but since it is contest software you 
would be better advised to use N1MM for contesting (again free), or Writelog 
($30). N1MM & Writelog, very powerful, includes all the contest templates and 
creates a Cabrillo file.

RITTY - not actively marketed in years. Better decoding than MMTTY. Still 
available for $100. Remember that it is DOS.

MMTTY - very popular, and for good reason. Nice decoder. It is definitely below 
RITTY and a little bit behind the HAL P-38 or DXP-38, but still quite good. Use 
as stand alone or as a N1MM or Writelog plug-in.

Rick W1TY/W2RTY 
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