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[RTTY] DXCC RTTY via LoTW - WHO HAS WHAT? Standing on 5-27-07

To: "RTTY List" <RTTY@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] DXCC RTTY via LoTW - WHO HAS WHAT? Standing on 5-27-07
From: "Andrei Stchislenok" <asnp3d@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 13:04:25 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hello Group:
 Shown below is our current standing as of Sunday, 5-27-07.
Since last update, two weeks ago, we got four new participants and a New
Leader - W9OL - Bill.
Bill reported two more New Ones and now has 167 confirmed countries on RTTY
via LoTW only. Congrats, Bill!
Among other movers are: WA4JQS - Tony added 3 points, W2QO - Jamie added 1
point. Bob - K0RC added four new countries to his score and now has 78
points. Greg - N6CK improved his score on 14 new countries and now has 48
confirmed. VE7AXU - John, added 3 new ones, Jim - KS7S added two more
countries and Henrik - OZ6TL added 1 point to his score. Arsenio - EA1AHY,
added two more new entities and now has 157 cfm. He is now at 6th place.
K3GP - George added 1 point and he is close now to DXCC (has 98 cfm).
I met George in Dayton-2007 last weekend, in flea market area. Georges
visited Dayton 37 (!) times in a raw. Somewhat another (phenomenal) record.
I do not know who else from Ham radio fellows (except maybe excibitors) went
to Dayton more times, than George. In Dayton airport buffet on the way back
to New York, we met Ron-LU2AH. During our briefly conversation,
Ron mentioned that that was his, I beleive 25th visit to Dayton.
Among active RTTY contesters I also met Charlie, KI5XP and Fred, WW4LL. We
had nice time and lots of fun in Dayton this year, please forgive, if I
forgot to mention someone else, Dayton is my birthday time, hi.
I hope to see you all in ANARTS RTTY on June 9th-10th with good propagation.
Currently, we have 111 participants, from 27 countries on 5 continents.
Country leaders are marked with the (*) sign.  WW Leader is marked with two
 Next Standing will be posted in two weeks on Sunday, 6-02-07.
 *Please email me your results (new or updated) - RTTY DXCC confirmed
countries via LoTW only. *

DXCC RTTY via LOTW only. Standing on 5-27-07
01** W9OL  167 BILL
02 K0BX  164 JOE
03 W9OL  163 BILL
04  AA5AU  160 DON
05* VE3GLA  159 BOB
06*  EA1AHY  157 ARSENIO
07 WX4TM    153   TOM
08 KA2D  150 TOM
09* F5NBU  146 YANN
10* DJ3IW  147 GOETZ
11 N2WK  147 WAYNE
12 N5ZM  143 EARL
13* GU0SUP  139 PHIL
14* JR1BAS  139 FUKU
15 W1ZT   138 GEORGE
16 VE9DX  137 ANDY
17* OK2ZC   137 LUDEK
18 WA4JQS  136 TONY
19* 4X6UU  134 PAUL
20* YL2KF  133 VILNIS
21 KA4RRU  131 MIKE
22* RW4WZ  130 LARRY
23 N2QT    129 MARK
24 K5AC   127 TIM
25 VE7CF  126 JACK
26* SV1DPI  126 KOSTAS
28 N5JR  124 JOEL
29 N3EN  124 ART
30 AI4FR   119 JOHN
31* EU1SA   119 VLADIMIR
32 AD1C   118 JIM
33 AI9T    117 STEVE
34 N6OJ  117 CHUCK
35 W4BCG  116 BILL
36 W2QO  116 JAMIE
37 NA5Q  115 ROLAND
38 W1TO  114 TOM
39* YV6BTF  114 JOSE
40* LZ2BE  111 BOYAN
41 W6WRT  110 BILL
42 WA2ETU  109 CARL
43 4Z4TL  109 ISAAC
44 KB1JZU  109 BOB
45 K8SIA  106 JIM
46 W7CT  105 JIM
47* ZL2AMI  105 BOB
49 VE1OP  101 SCOTT
50 WA6BOB  101 BOB
51 EA2RY   100 ROBERTO
52 K3GP  98 GEORGE
53* MW0CRI  97 DAVID
54* ZS6RVG   94 DAVID
56 W4OX  92 DOUG
57 VE3KI  92 RICH
59 AA6YQ   89 DAVE
60* S50U  89 DAN
61 KS0M  87 DICK
62 NP3D  87 ANDREI
64 AD6WL  85 JIM
65 WA0SXV  84 MIKE
66 NA5U  84 MIKE
67 DJ6JH  83 JOHN
68* OZ6TL  79 HENRIK
69 ZS2EZ   78 BARRY
70 K0RC  78 BOB
71* F1JKJ    77 LAURENT
72 KJ6RA  77 RICH
73* GM0FGI  72 TOM
74 N2KI     70 ANTHONY
75 N7BF  69 ALAN
76* P49X  68 ED
77 KE1AU  66 BOB
78* EI6HB  66 DENIS
79 N6VH  65 JIM
80 AB4GG  63 KENNY
81 K4WES  62 WES
82 DF4WC  62 ANDY
83 K4CZ  61 BARRY
84 N6VH   60 JIM
85 K2PAL  60 ALEX
86 K0XU   59 JIM
87* KG4OX  53 DOUG
88 WN1X  51 JIM
89 K4GM  50 GEORGE
90 N6CK  48 GREG
91 RN6AH  46 ALEX
92 DK7UM  41 HEINZ
93 W5CTV  41 BOB
94 KA0EIC  37 DON
95 KW7N  37 STEVE
96 K6MBY  34 BOB
97* V44/EW1AR 32 ANDREI
98* M0DDQ  31 JIM
99 KY0W  30 ED
100 VE7AXU  29 JOHN
101 KS7S  28 JIM
102 M0ZAK  25 JIM
103 W6RYI  25 JIM
104 W6ZZZ  25 MARC
105 W0YK  25 ED
106 N0OBM  23 SID
107* HQ4R  21 ANDREI
108 DD7ZT  20 FRANK
109 K5WW  16 GERT
110 KI3O  8 BOB
111 N8IK  1 IAN
73's Andrei
WAS RTTY #455 (all via LoTW)
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