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[RTTY] help with mmtty needed

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] help with mmtty needed
From: kg6i@att.net
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 21:04:27 +0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hello "green keyers", I'm new to the list, and am trying to avoid 
re-inventing the wheel. I'm getting back into RTTY again. I wish to run 
MMTTY using my new Dell PC running Vista Ultimate and with no open serial 
ports, I'd like to use the parallel port. I've already researched the RTTY 
sites, AA5AU's site, the MMTTY site, etc. I've found some contradictory 
info; namely that folks say you can use:
1. A USB/Serial converter
2. BUT, it only works for non-FSK RTTY
3. It only works with Win 98 and not XP and no mention of Vista
4. Only a specific Belkin model converter will work

So, I'd like to use my parallel port, BUT, seems you need to run EXTFSK in 
MMTTY, and I found and DLd that file. AND it seems that you also need 
DLPORTIO in order to use a parallel port.

So my question is this; have any of you sucessfully used a setup like mine 
to run FSK with MMTTY from the parallel port on a PC running Vista?

My equipment list is:
New Dell Optiplex 755, Core 2 Duo, 3 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Vista Ultimate, one 
serial port (already used for rig control), one parallel port, 6 USB ports.
Icom IC-756 Pro III
MMTTY with the AXETTY plug-in to work with DXBase 2007.

OR, should I bite the bullet and spend approx $100 for a 4-port PCI serial 
port card from Byterunner?

Thanks, John Farber, KG6I

Pse respond to kg6i@hughes.net or the list

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