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[RTTY] RTTY] little FD help

To: ws7i@ewarg.org, rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] RTTY] little FD help
From: K0BX <k0bx@arrl.net>
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 20:18:45 +0000
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Jay, I would check to see if you have 'LSB is really FSK" checked.  Look 
under the main menu => Bands => LSB is really FSK.  PSK and AFSK  RTTY 
is must be checked so WL knows you are not trying to send a SSB message 
when you are in LSB.  -
Note PSK and AFSK RTTY much be in LSB for it to work.

Joe K0BX

WS7I wrote:

>I give up. Here is the scenario. Writelog, Rascal interface to
>Icom 761.  Works just fine on RTTY FSK.
>Works fine on CW and SSB.
>Using RTTY AFS or PSK31 it will transmit using ALT-K but nada as far as 
>sending messages.
>I am getting old and as far as I know or remember my old little home built 
>interface worked just fine on any and all modes on my ft-1000
>Any ideas??  And sooner is better than later for the advice
>73 Jay
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