Having got all prepared for the YO PSK31 Contest
yesterday {SATURDAY} I sat in the chair hoping for 6 hours of PSK31 contesting
on 80M.
Condx were pretty good and I sat there thinking that I should make quite a few
Qso's as there were already some stations showing up on the waterfall.
Kick off was at 1600z and was eagerly anticipated,
off I go CQ CQ CQ Contest, CQ CQ CQ Contest, after about 10 minutes of CQ'ing
- SQUAT - so off I go on S&P, up and down up and down the band, again - NOWT -
{A Yorkshireism meaning SQUAT} so I checks out my equipment, all ok, again up
and down up and down the band, again -NOWT- {A Yorkshireism meaning SQUAT} on
glancing down at the RULES I noticed the word FRIDAY.
73 Steve, ZC4Li.
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