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Re: [RTTY] Don Hill, AA5AU inducted into CQ Contest Hall of Fame

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Don Hill, AA5AU inducted into CQ Contest Hall of Fame
From: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww@arrl.net>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 05:42:51 -0400
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Andrei Stchislenok wrote: "At the same time I think that this is a time to 
create a "RTTY Hall of
Fame", this would help to increase RTTY activity all over the world."

I couldn't agree more! Now it needs to be acted on?
Also, as the selection committee deems the inductees a "matter of national 
security", and only announces them, at the last minute, I hope someone made 
a video of Don's induction, for all to see?

As a side note: The RTTY contesting forum was well attended, 150 +/-. and 
the presentation, by K6UFO, pertaining to the success of W6YX, especially in 
NAQP RTTY, was not only informative, but very well presented! To those that 
were in attendance...THANKS...and to those that were not, try to make plans 
for next year.

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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