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Re: [RTTY] Use of AFC with MMTTY

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Use of AFC with MMTTY
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <dezrat1242@yahoo.com>
Reply-to: dezrat1242@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 20:10:21 -0800
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 17:53:59 -0800, Dick Flanagan <dick@k7vc.com> wrote:

>I operate only FSK with WriteLog/MMTTY.  I run with my radio RIT/TIT 
>turned OFF and with MMTTY AFC ON.  I S&P with RIT/TIT turned OFF and 
>When someone responds to my CQ I let the AFC tune them in.  When I 
>respond to someone else's CQ, it is up to me to nail their frequency.
>Am I doing this wrong?


You are doing it correctly but with one cautionary note. When you change
from run to S&P you MUST also click the HAM button to reset your MARK
frequency back to the default, 2125 Hz. Otherwise, MARK stays at
whatever frequency it happened to be when you made the change. If it
happens to be anything other than 2125, your TX and RX frequencies will
be off by that much and will stay that way since AFC is now off.

When changing from S&P to run, this is not necessary. 

N1MM has a feature that can automate this for you but it is not enabled
by default. I won't go into it now, but please email me for more info. 

73, Bill W6WRT
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