Hi all.
As the IQ1RY premises are free for this weekend we would like to
participate to the NAQP as a Multi-Operator Two-Transmitter station
operating from the there.
The call in use will be IW1AYD for this time.
But the best for me is that I wouldn't be there with the same IZ1HXN,
Mario, a mustached northern Italian man, as it was for the Volta and the
DL-DX of the last two years. We would be two there, that's anyway true.
But this time I will have the pleasure to work the NAQP in team with my
wife: IZ1TNL. She will be at her first experience operating in contest.
After several hours watching and asking in the background. As her
husband I will and must apply all my knowledge and patience to properly
support a slightly more than me novice. Anybody of you know why. We
would help each other enjoying the NAQP. Hoping to enjoy that time with
all of you.
CUin the NAQP!
BTW. The second transmitter, out of any rule, would be my last resort to
have some relief during operations and her runs!
Anyway, out of any joke, I am pretty sure that we wouldn't be afraid of
ours non heavily competitive operations. It could be that in the future
her callsign would be the choice for any other RTTY event. for now the
secret was to be in charge about this aspect, but any husband
prerogative wouldn't last forever ... who knows for next ...
73 de IW1AYD, Salvo, and IZ1TNL, Simonetta, two of the IQ1RY team
PS I hope that nobody would think that this may sounds like a "self
spotting", it's just a great way to share here my pleasure to be there
and, let me say, teamed with a YL.
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