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Re: [RTTY] IMPORTANT - RTTY Reflector move to groups.io

To: Jeff Stai <wk6i.jeff@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] IMPORTANT - RTTY Reflector move to groups.io
From: Claude Du Berger <duberger.miousse81@globetrotter.net>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:11:56 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
RTTY io    I got my reply registered but dont see my msgs...
maybe not fully registered. But I do receive all your msgs.
Did exactly the same as other io site... will see.

Le 2018-03-19 à 15:35, Jeff Stai a écrit :
hi Claude - I don't what list you joined but I don't see you on the RTTY@groups.io <mailto:RTTY@groups.io> list.
N3JIX I have you.

73 jeff wk6i

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 12:13 PM, Claude Du Berger <duberger.miousse81@globetrotter.net <mailto:duberger.miousse81@globetrotter.net>> wrote:
    Hi Guys
    I just went to the site:  HOME down the page  Subscribe...  I got
    a msg
    back, reply and then got confirm. Already receiving msgs.
    GL 73
    Claude VE2FK
    *From:* Jeff Stai <mailto:wk6i.jeff@gmail.com>
    *Sent:* Monday, March 19, 2018 3:09 PM
    *To:* Jerry Flanders <mailto:jeflanders@comcast.net>
    *Cc:* REFL-RTTY <mailto:RTTY@contesting.com>
    *Subject:* Re: [RTTY] IMPORTANT - RTTY Reflector move to groups.io
    hi Jerry - I don't have a way to be sure of this, but I think if
    you simply
    respond to the invite by replying to the email - not clicking the
    link -
    you will be subscribed and you don't have to go there. And if you
    have to set up digest or add more emails, you probably don't have
    to go

    Let me know how it goes - jeff wk6i

    On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 11:52 AM, Jerry Flanders
    <jeflanders@comcast.net <mailto:jeflanders@comcast.net>>

    > Do all of us have to accept the invite and go there to set up?
    Or is it
    > just the digest users?
    > Jerry W4UK

Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff@gmail.com <mailto:wk6i.jeff@gmail.com>
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/
Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/twistedoak
RTTY op at W7RN

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