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[SD-User] V11.00 Released.

To: <>
Subject: [SD-User] V11.00 Released.
From: "Paul O'Kane" <>
Reply-to: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 23:57:54 +0100
List-post: <>
V11.00          19 August 2004

Why version 11.00, and not 10.26?
    Because I believe all remaining data entry and
    keying issues are now fixed - I hope you'll agree
    this is a significant update.

Data Input Routine:
    Updated to suppress redundant screen output when
    logging.  This was never an issue under DOS, but
    it's a different story under Windows.  In turn,
    typed characters appear immediately and SD's
    keying is improved -  with little or no speed
    variation. (Tested on 330 MHz Win98 and 1.8 GHz
    WinXP PCs).

    Reminder: Try the PRIORITY command if data entry
    seems slow or keying is erratic.  One setting is
    likely to be better than the other.  In general,
    WinXP seems to prefer priority 0, and previous
    versions of Windows prefer priority 1.

    If, nevertheless, your keying is still erratic,
    there's always WinKey.

    On Win2000 and WinXP, the ^ character (indicating
    the status of Caps Lock) appears, or disappears,
    immediately as Caps Lock is toggled.  With older
    versions of Windows, although the change takes
    place immediately, it is not visible until your
    next keystroke.

WAE Contest - QTCs:
    Fixed some cosmetic errors on the initial QTC
    screen - logging and scoring were not affected.
    Added "QRV" (CW o/p) once you reach the QTC
    logging screen, and "R" as each CW QTC is

SD - Area multipliers:
    Support added for 4-character area codes in
    Types 4 and 10 contests.  For Type 10 contests
    with 4-character codes, your exact operating
    frequency is not logged when using rig control.
    Added RDA.MLT for the RDA (Russian District
    Award) Contest - thanks G4OGB.  The file 
    includes setup information.

    PTT now fully implemented - can be switched
    with PTTON and PTTOFF.

    Very occasionally, WinKey needs to be reset by
    interrupting the power. In these circumstances
    the WKINIT command will restore your parameters.

    WKCOMP Command - adds a fixed amount to the
    length of all dots and dashes.  Value is 0 (the
    (default) to 250 ms.  This is intended for QSK
    operation on rigs that shorten each character.
    If you're not operating QSK, leave it at zero.

    WKEXTN Command - adds a fixed amount to the
    first character.  It's for use when your rig's
    internal PTT/VOX clips the first element of a
    "message".  Value is 0 (the default) to 250 ms.
    If you use WinKey's internal PTT (with PTTON),
    and an appropriate lead time (PTTLEAD), you may
    not need an extension - the only way to know for
    certain is to listen to your rig's output on
    another radio.

    Implemented message playback speed change with
    the #1 -#9 parameters.  For the moment, Winkey
    will take only one such parameter, whereas SD's
    internal keyer lets you stack them.      

SD - IARU HF Championship:
    In mixed-mode entries, HQ stations were counted
    as multipliers on both modes.  Fixed. 

    Fixed the .PRT option.

    Added the SH (SHOW) option to display the
    characteristics of each keystroke as seen by
    SDCHECK - this is a useful diagnostic tool if
    you find you can't input certain characters, 
    of they turn out to be different from what you

    Once you find what the program "sees" for a
    particular character, you can add an entry in
    SD.MAP to do any necessary conversion.  

    SH is the equivalent, in SDCHECK, of SHOW in
Configuration files:
    SDCONFIG.TXT has been renamed to SD.INI, and
    it's done when you run this version of SD.
    SDVCONFG.TXT has been renamed to SDV.INI - 
    again, it's done automatically by SDV.

BORDER Command:
    The option to set your border to 0 is now
    limited to Win2000 and later systems. In turn,
    full-screen mode may no longer be an option on
    earlier systems such as Win98 or WinME.


The programs may be downloaded from  Please
keep a copy of whatever version(s) you're using now - as

The programs are all freeware. If you use them, please
sign-up to the sd-user mailing list at
This is the best way to get help from other users,
and to hear about updates and bug fixes.

Paul EI5DI

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