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[SD-User] SD 13.41e

To: SuperDuper <>
Subject: [SD-User] SD 13.41e
From: Rik IZ2EJU <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 07:27:55 +0100 (CET)
List-post: <">>
Hello !
Thanks to Ian G3KZR I have now sd 13.41e but I must say that at a first look
I can't find any difference with 13.41d, both were working OK and without any
winkey speed issue.
I couldn't reproduce the run/S&P problem, SD works OK in both ways; 
I didn't test it with CAT, only with Winkey.

Again, my best wishes to all for the Holy Easter, and a big TNX to Paul !

73 from Rik IZ2EJU

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