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[SD-User] SD behaviour?

Subject: [SD-User] SD behaviour?
From: Andrew <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:06:35 +1000
List-post: <">>
Hello all;

In previous edition of SD I noticed strange behaviour of the cursor jumping right away from call to RTS area; that was probably fixed in current version.

In current version I can see also something, than is probably not guite right: Communication radio<>computer is working - for example when I type C in call area to change mode to CW - all is ok - radio follows computer and goes to CW. Also when I type S in call area <enter> - radio goes back to SSB and all looks OK on my computer screen.

The story is diffrent when I switch mode on my rig: - SD follows my rig and goes to radio's mode..BUT>>> for some reason the FREQUENCY DISPLAY (yellow digits bellow the call area) gone.. If I want to see that frequency display again - I must change vfo just abit - then SD will show QRG again. Im not sure - if this is just bahaviour of my computer, or the problem is in the guts of SD.

This is not a total tragedy, but will be nice to see it working as expected.

Perhaps there is somebody out there with to cure it..thank's in advance!!

73, de Andrew VK2AR
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