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[SD-User] RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest

Subject: [SD-User] RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 20:17:37 +0000
List-post: <">>
The RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest takes place from 2100 UTC Saturday
8th February to 0059 UTC Sunday 9th February.  It is Single-
Op only on 160m, with CW, SSB, and Mixed CW/SSB sections.

No Packet, Cluster, or RBN.

Rules at

SD V17.28 is free from

Note: Non-UK SSB entrants need V17.28a - it corrects a
scoring error on SSB QSOs.


  UK Entrants - select the "RSGB 1.8 Feb, UK" template
  DX entrants - select the "RSGB 1.8 Feb, DX" template

  Select your starting (or only) mode as appropriate.

160m only. UK entrants work everyone, and others work UK
only.  Exchange Serials.  UK stations add their district
code.   For CW, edit SD's F2 exchange message (with
Shift-F2) to include the district code.

3 points per QSO, and 5 bonus points for the first QSO
(Mixed - on both modes) with each UK district code and,
for UK entrants only, the first QSO with each overseas
DXCC country (again, by mode).

  CW : 1810-1840
 SSB : 1852-1920

The PACC contest overlaps with this event.  PA stations
send their 2-character district code (no serial), and UK
stations should log this in SD's serial field.

V17.28 lets you log the exchange from UK stations as a
single field.  For example: 26WA, followed by Enter, is
expanded to 026 WA in their respective fields.

SD pre-fills the district code when you load a callsign
reference file (.LST) having district codes as the last
field in each record.  For example,

If you're not using rig control, make sure you're
logging on the correct mode - use the CW or SSB
commands to switch.

There's no need to choose your entry category in advance.
Even if you intend to enter as CW-only, there's nothing
to stop you giving others points by having and logging SSB
QSOs at any time.  You define your entry category when
creating your Cabrillo log with SDCHECK, and confirm it
when uploading your log at

Please mention SD in your soapbox comments.

Paul EI5DI

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