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[SD-User] V18.02 Released

Subject: [SD-User] V18.02 Released
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 15:56:43 +0000
List-post: <">>
V18.02  27 March 2015

V18.01 - What happened?
    I skipped it.

Rig Control:
    The RIGPORT command to define a com port for rig
    control did not take effect unless SD was re-started.
    Now, it works immediately.

CW Keying - Internal or WinKey:
    In a similar way, the CWPORT command takeS effect
    immediately without any need to re-start SD.

    The WINKEY command has been replaced by WINKEYON
    and WINKEYOFF commands - or the shorter versions,
    WKON and WKOFF.

    When you use the WKON command, and no WinKey is
    connected or recognised, keying remains internal.
    The WKOFF command switches keying to internal.
    It has no effect when internal keying is already
    in use.

    All speed change parameters appear to work
    reliably and consistently, for both internal
    keying (serial or parallel port) and WinKey.

    Use the STATUS command to check your settings.

RDXC - Russian DX Contest:
    Broken code caused some non-Russian QSOs to be
    logged with a district code (oblast).  This
    prevented the log from being reloaded.  Fixed.


When you install a new version of SD, you may have
to adjust the size of the default window to fill
your screen. If necessary, do this for both SD and

Click on the title bar, or the SD icon, at the top
LHS of the window and select Properties, then Font.
If you have a widescreen (16:9) monitor, select the
Lucida Console font.  For a 4:3 monitor, select the
Consolas font (not available on XP).  Then choose
whatever size of font you prefer.  SD's window
expands or contracts in direct proportion to the
chosen font size.

If you find bugs in V18.02, please send the details
to  Older versions are not
supported, so please confirm that the problem exists
in V18.02.

Please let me have your suggestions for changes
or additions, or support for new contests.

Paul EI5DI

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