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Re: [SD-User] Change of call

Subject: Re: [SD-User] Change of call
From: Paul O'Kane <>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2017 12:13:22 +0100
List-post: <">>
When a user's callsign changes I'm happy to supply a new
key file - with the same expiry date (for activation of
new versions) as the original key file. If the key file
has expired (for new versions), then the user should
register again.

I'm also happy to supply key files corresponding to
contest, or other, calls held personally by the user,
again subject to the registration being up-to-date.

Paul EI5DI

On 06/04/2017 11:36, Nigel Head via SD-User wrote:
I have SD registered in my call M0dbo  but I am going to let that call lapse 
and use my original call of G7luo so I would like to change the details in SD. 
Reading the handbook it says the information is held in the SD ini file but I 
can not find it in list of files I have for SD. Is there anyway of changing the 
user call?
Thanks Nigel M0dbo/G7luo

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