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[SECC] Re: (*&%#computers

Subject: [SECC] Re: (*&%#computers
From: jpryor@ARCHES.UGA.EDU (Jay Pryor)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:37:26 +0000
As mentioned earlier, I'm having trouble getting my 500 MHz machine working 
with my radios.  However, I want to mention, FWIW that Dell is selling 
"refurbished" machines at $150 off of their list price.  I ordered one last 
week and plan for it to be my "radio only" computer. This is my "Plan B" if 
I can't get the original machine working.  With prices at $500/$600, then 
take $150 off, this is a good deal for non-techies like me who don't have 
the know-how, like Ed, Ben, Gary and others, to put one together.

Check out:

- Jay/K4OGG

At 03:03 PM 10/31/2000, Gary Breed wrote:
>This computer thing has gotten easy!  I obtained a 266 MHz PII-MMX
>machine with 128 MB RAM that was simply abandonded by a company that
>needed more powerful machines. After wiping the 6.4 GB hard drive
>clean and reloading Windows(R), I realized that the video board drivers
>were now missing, but about $60 got a new video card and a sound card.
>Bought a new $175 17 inch monitor and my hamshack is Dee-Luxe!
>Over the years, IT Managers have given me lots of great stuff, either
>obsoleted or dinged up and not deemed usable by the company.  It pays to
>know the right people!  If stuff is less than five years old, depreciation
>rules make it easier to "loan" equipment to employees rather than junk it.
>73, Gary
>PS -- Ditto earlier comments on "bundled" systems -- I can't tell you
>how much of a pain it was to replace a modem on my E-Machines 'puter
>with a model different than its original equipment!
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