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[SECC] Update for May contests

Subject: [SECC] Update for May contests
From: (Rick Dougherty)
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 07:16:58 -0400
Hello all...the NQ4I team is re-assembling once again to defend our current
world record NA(North America) score...on CW for far the
following are headed down to Griffin to make another record setting
effort...K4OGG, W4DD, K2UFT,  N7BG,AA4S, N4AA, K4PK, WI4R, K4PI, KS5M,
K4WI, AA4LR and maybe W2VJN...there is still room at the inn...we could use
one more hotshot cw whiz...if interested drop me a note...

On another note...GAQP...NQ4I station might be on the air as K4HYB...the
local Griffin(Spalding Co) radio club has been extended an invitation to
activate the the station and put Spalding co on as Multi-multi...does
anyone have a logging program that we might use...I am a CT user and don't
have anything that will support the GAQP much less as MM....

So far I don't have any firm antenna projects for the summer...last time I
started the summer out like this the tornado came thru and took out the 80m
2 el, an 8 el 10m, the 6 el 20m and the 3 el took almost 6 months
to repair everything from that episode...I am in the process of rebuilding
a 3 element 40m will be identical to the current one on the sw
tower...plans are for a move to a new qth and a pair stacked at 100ft and
180 ft...just finishing up a 5 el 10m yagi....not even sure where i will
put it...and have recently aquired another ring rotor...will probably put
it on the big tower just below the 80m 2 el and allow the top 10m yagi to
rotate...this will give us even more 10m flexibility...Happy contesting to Rick

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