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[SECC] WRTC nominations

Subject: [SECC] WRTC nominations
From: (Gary Breed)
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 17:02:46 -0400
Before leaving town for more than a week, I wanted to stir things up
a bit about WRTC nominations.  We all need to be thinking about our 
choices before a vote is called and we tabulate entries to send to
OH-land by June 15.

Although my research does not include every possible contest and
category, here is a list of 4th district hams who are, in my opinion,
at the top.  I limited the list to the states right around Georgia, 
because this is the area where the SECC knows the ops better than any 
other group.  Our nominees will certainly include ops from elsewhere in 
the "East" as defined by the WRTC2002 Committee, but I offer this list
as a starting point for discussion. 

I could easily have missed someone deserving to be on this list, since
I tried to do this quickly while scrambling to get ready for a major
business trip!

Proven winners, in alphabetical order, with comments:

K4BAI - Always near the top when operating at a "real" station
K4XS -  Super phone op in high-pressure SS and Sprint contests
N2NL -  Recently reached top levels in both DX and domestic 'tests
N4ZZ -  Consistent high scores on both modes with occasional wins
W4AN -  Winning CQWW CW SOHP says enough
W4PA -  A bunch of recent #1 finishes in different categories
W4WA -  Great on both modes, lots of single-band and M/S wins
W4ZV -  Record-breaking op on 160M CW, awesome performances on 10M SSB

Real close to guys on the above list: K4AB, W4OC, K4NO, AA4NC, K4OJ, 
K1KY, WC4E and others.

Does someone have a list of potential "East" nominees to consider from
elsewhere in the 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9 districts?

73, I'll be back 5/29.

Gary, K9AY

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