North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR
Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Band QSOs Mults
160: 17 11
80: 108 31
40: 131 32
20: 271 55
15: 97 32
10: 74 24
Total: 698 185 = 129,130
Club: SECC
Team: SECC #1
TS430S / AT-250 running 100 watts PEP
K1KP-style voice keyer
A3S @ 49.5 feet (10m, 15m. 20m)
1/4 wave sloper @ 40 feet (40m)
125' doublet @ 35 feet (40m, 80m, 160m)
Best ever score in NAQP. My goals were 700 Qs and 200 mults. Basically, I
to keep the rate meter above70 at all times. Just barely missed the Qs
but surprised not to reach the mult goal. I made 192 mults in the CW
with 200 less Qs.
Pretty good start on 10m, but by the second hour, things slowed down a
bit. In
retrospect, I probably should have taken an off-time then. At 2020z, I
found a
very cozy spot on 20m, and managed to run for an hour and a half. In
retrospect, I should have stayed there for another half hour or more, but
I was
worried about missing mults on 15m. 20m was very short, and the rate as
good. A second radio would probably have helped.
Tried to go to 40m early, since I went there very late in the CW portion.
Nothing happening before 2200z. Took my first 30 minutes off before 2300z.
20m still had good rate at 0000z, but I moved to 40m at 0050z, and found
great frequency. Unfortunately, some SWBC station also thought it was
great at
0100z, they came on the air, and my rate went to zero. Took another 30
off before 0145z to get the kids in bed.
Rest of the night was spent bouncing between 40 and 80m, with a short
to 160m to pick up some mults. Had a good run on 80m right at the end
when I
ran out of time. I was temped to go multi-two just to keep operating.
K9NS moved/worked me on all 6 bands. I managed a few multiplier moves
which surprised me, as they often didn't work before. Best was convincing
to break his run and try 15m from 20m. Thanks, Ron.
20m was the serious money band for me in this contest. 80m a definite
second. I
spent a lot of time on 40m, but I think I need a better antenna. Or maybe
shortwave broadcasters. Perhaps should have spent more time on 80m, and
less on
15m and 10m.
Lessions Learned:
* Two radios really help to maintain rate without missing mults. This
contest really crys out for the two-radio approach.
* Take time off early and late. Avoid time off in the middle of the
* Stay on the bands where rate is good. I shouldn't have moved off 20m at
2145z. Rate was still well above target of 70/hr.
* Get a better antenna for 40m. The doublet worked ok, and the sloper was
better before it got dark.
* Be more aggressive about moving mults.
Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail:
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901
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