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[SECC] arrl dx

Subject: [SECC] arrl dx
From: Courtney Judd" < (Courtney Judd)
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 06:40:27 -0600
This was my best effort ever. With the listed solar numbers I thought it
would really be down. Sunday morning on 10 (which I did 10 single band) the
RF from 28300 to 500 was so solid that you could almost walk to Europe on
it. Heard many running way above 29 mhz and made a few up there myself. You
had to get your run freq early and stay there. One move and it was gone and
almost impossible to find another! Saturday evening after short path to JA
closed heard a lone JA coming in long path thru darkness on South America
beam. Friday evening spent 15 minutes calling HK3JJH on 28642 with zero luck
until W4ZV kindly pointed out was 2nd harmonic. Sure enough, he was on
14321!  A G3 gave a me a report of 59 x 100 milliwatts. Logged it as 1
watt.. seemed to upset him somewhat! 2nd antenna down from the top was stuck
on Europe so made due with that. Could have been worse. Ended up with 1828
qso's and 123 mults for 663K score. Great fun! 73's Cort
Courtney Judd K4WI
2300 County Road 61
Uniontown, Al. 36786
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