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[SECC] Re: Arrl VHF QSO party

Subject: [SECC] Re: Arrl VHF QSO party
From: (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 19:41:08 -0500
I'll look for you....BTW as a suggestion.  If you have one, try your 75 or
80 meter dipole on six.  Mine worked well for me.  I am in Anniston AL, and
am in EM-73


----- Original Message -----
From: "Courtney Judd" <>
To: "SECC Reflector" <>; "Alabama Contest Group"
Cc: "Y.Binkley" <>; "Herb Connellan KD4Y"
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:31 PM
Subject: Arrl VHF QSO party

> The ARRL VHF QSO party is this week end and I will be on part time mostly
> six meters giving out EM62. I will be using FT920 to my 15 meter yagi.
> Logging will be with Writelog but rig not connected to computer. Any tips
> suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks 73's Cort
> Courtney Judd K4WI
> 2300 County Road 61
> Uniontown, Al. 36786
> e-mail=
> check out:

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