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[SECC] Ala QSO Party, Saturday, Sept 28

Subject: [SECC] Ala QSO Party, Saturday, Sept 28
From: (John Laney)
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 16:22:51 -0400
Hi Dan:

Glad to hear of your plans.  Bridget, KS4YT, advised me yesterday that
she has been ill, but hopes to post the new rules to the website right
away.  She said that the only change would be the points for QSOs by
Alabama stations.  At least that's what my memory is of what she said. 
Since I don't have any contest software with files for AQP, I figured it
didn't affect my planning, but I will need to know the answer to that
before I submit my logs, of course.

I have trouble getting KO4RR's antenna to tune up both on 40 and on 20
and 15. Hope I can find some level ground and get the antenna to work on
all bands this time without major adjustments.  20 meters was so short
last Sunday that I was able to work all the Tenn mobile stations on that
band with no trouble, but 40 was generally better.  40 should certainly
be better at the end of Sept than in mid July.  But, I used the same rig
and antenna on a different truck last Sept and was able to work all
bands with no problem.

Think I'll try to see if HRO has a mobile antenna tuner they can send me
before next weekend and that might help some.  Anyone have a
recommendation?  All the antenna tuners I have used are of the very
large top-of-the-line MFJ KW type and I'd like something that would work
well, but wouldn't be so large or cumbersome to use.  The little Alinco
rig doesn't have an ATU built in.


John, K4BAI.

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