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[SECC] Fw: Re: [Towertalk] Refurb Old Tower?

Subject: [SECC] Fw: Re: [Towertalk] Refurb Old Tower?
From: (K4SB)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 02:53:37 +0000
> > > At 11:58 AM 10/18/2002 -0700, Larry Keith wrote:
> > > >W3YY's question regarding superficial rust is right down my interest
> > > >since I just bought and drug home a 25-year old Rohn 25G tower and
> > > >assorted antennae that I intend to refurb and install at this QTH.
> > > >with a small (2 - 3") slit.  So, I have started the inspection phase

There are a couple of ways to deal with that slit. If it's close to
the bottom of a section, bury it in concrete, but first make sure all
3 legs are clear of dirt, ect.
Slits such as these are usually a result of freezing, and if you
notice a slight
bulge, that's definitely it. In any event, you can minimize the impact
by using it as a low section. Another reason why when planting the
first section, you should always
put about 6" of gravel in the bottom of the hole.

As for repair, of course you can have it welded, which will destroy
the galvanizing.
But another trick is to take, in your case, about a 6" piece of junk
25 from between
the cross sections, split it in half, then use galvanized U bolts to
hold it in place over the slit. A little cold galvanizing paint, and
then an outer coat of a zinc base
paint will make it as good as new. 


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