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[SECC] (no subject)

Subject: [SECC] (no subject)
From: (Dan/W4NTI)
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 11:37:44 -0500
For what its worth...I vote for 3 October.


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Condon <>
To: John Laney <>
Cc: SECC <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 10:25 AM
Subject: RE: [SECC] (no subject)

> I took another look at the calendar over a longer period, not including
> summer months, May thru September.
> ARCI has 9 entries in the calendar so I am not worried about coexisting
> them, they are everywhere.
> I crossed out any week with an ARRL major,
> any week with a CQ major,
> any week with 2 or more other QSO parties (or a really major single QSO
> party like FL, CA or NA),
> the 160M contests,
> WAE, (dropping 2nd week NOV)
> Sweepstakes,
> Sprints,
> Field Day,
> Dayton.
> Several weekends have more than one State or Prov QSO party on similar
> schedules, by the way.
> The above also knocked out the weekends with major RTTY/Digital contests
> parties.
> This leaves 2nd Week OCT 3rd Week OCT, and 2nd Week APRIL.
> 2ND OCT would move us earlier by one week before the start of the major
> contest season.  PA QSO Party would be on, and a EU sprint.
> 3rd OCT still looks best to me, joining IL QSO Party, WAG, and the few
> minor activities.
> 2nd April has the EU ssb sprint, an ARCI, a couple other Eus, and a couple
> of Yls.
> I still like 3rd October weekend.  Any change will cause a bit of shifting
> for some, but this proposal seems the minimum, with really acceptable
> coexistence with others
> I also think that the change would really give a boost to the GQP.  I do
> propose to change the rules or schedule, leaving that to others.  However,
> do think that one-day with longer hours is a better format, with more
> intense competition for us.
> If we have a meeting at The LV Hamfest, we could have a discussion, and
> possible recommendation.
> Mike, NE4S
> 73
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Laney []
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:07 AM
> To:
> Cc: SECC
> Subject: Re: [SECC] (no subject)
> Another thought about this projected date of 3rd weekend in October,
> having it on Saturday might not work very well.  There is big
> participation these days in state QSO Parties from Europe.  The WAG
> Germany contest on that weekend will take away those Europeans except
> for Sunday afternoon, when the very popular Illinois QSO Party runs.
> We should ideally have a weekend without a major European contest to
> compete with.
> 73,
> John, K4BAI.
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