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Subject: [SECC] K4OGG, CQWW CW
From: (Jay Pryor)
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 15:42:11 -0500
Timing of the contest was better for me than when it comes the weekend 
following Thanksgiving. Also, it was nice that there was no UGA football 
conflict.  So this was a sorta serious effort.  I took a couple of pretty 
decent naps and enjoyed the contest.  Conditions seemed good.  It was fun 
working the SECC guys who were on dxpeditions (XT2DX, 9A1A and P40Q)for the 
contest.  But I also think that one of the biggest kicks I got during the 
contest was when the unexpected happened -- like towards the end of the 
contest when I was looking south for new stations and mults and a TF called 
me off the back of the beam for a double mult.  I heard many SECC folks in 
the frey, especially K4WI, NQ4I, K4EA and W4AN/K4BAI.  Also heard K4TEA and 
W8JI doing their thing on the top band, which reminds me that the most 
frustrating thing about the entire weekend was calling EA8ZS over and over 
on 160 and never even getting a "?."  (That was even more frustrating than 
getting beat in a pileup of two stations, me and K2UFT, who lives just up 
the road.  Way to go Dick! )

I should have had a lot more QSOs on 20.

    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   160CW       20          20         40        10         6
    80CW       63          63        151        35        12
    40CW      157         157        413        54        17
    20CW      191         190        516        70        22
    15CW      419         418       1204        81        23
    10CW      319         318        933        77        24

  Totals     1169        1166       3257       327       104

     Final Score = 1403767 points.

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