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[SECC] FW: RTTY Roundup WB6BWZ Single Op QRP

Subject: [SECC] FW: RTTY Roundup WB6BWZ Single Op QRP
From: (Matt Lee, WB6BWZ)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:11:35 -0500

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: WB6BWZ
Operator(s): WB6BWZ
Station: WB6BWZ

Class: Single Op QRP
QTH: Atlanta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 19 (24 allowed)

 Band  QSOs
   80:   74
   40:   65
   20:   84
   15:   52
   10:   19
Total:  294  State/Prov = 48  Countries = 13  Total Score = 17,934

Club: South East Contest Club


First RTTY Roundup.

13 DXCC: 9A, CM, CX, HK, KP2, LU, PY, TG, UA, VP5, XE, YL, YV

Heard many more DX but did not attempt to break the pileups.

Best DX: 9A5W (15M @ 1351z, 5000 miles, 1000 miles/watt)

80M was fantastic because of very low noise and very good activity.

Courteous operators on all bands made operating a pleasure.

Band   QSO   States   Prov   DX
80M     74     14
40M     65      5
20M     84     11       2     4
15M     52      9       1     8
10M     19      3       3     1
total  294     42       6    13  (SPC numbers are unique)

Yaesu FT-817 QRP xcvr, 5 watts to 5-MHz OCF 28-ga insulated wire stealth 
antenna up 40 feet in trees next to I-75 in downtown Atlanta industrial area. 
SGC SG-237 autotuner. WriteLog 10.38D & RTTYrite. Tigertronics SignaLink SL-1 
sound card interface.

Matt Lee, WB6BWZ
Atlanta, Georgia USA

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