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Subject: [SECC] NAQP-CW NS4T
From: (Kevan Nason)
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 15:43:30 -0000
Lot's of fun but boy am I rusty
at CW.  Need to make an interface
between Writelog and 1000MP for CW.
My arm's tired from moving back and
forth from keyboard, paddles and FH-1
remote keypad.

Murphy's most interesting prank this
time was a deer tangled itself in the
guys of my vertical ripping one out of
the ground.  Antenna fell over and 
ripped wire from feedpoint of antenna.
Feedline acted as random length buried
longwire with balun at the end.  Tuner
tuned it (but wasn't happy).  No wonder
few answers to CQ's and many requests
for repeats when S&P!

About 9:40 hrs
        QSO     Mult
160     65      26
80      77      33
40      91      36
20      93      38
15      70      28
10      11      6
Total   407     167

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