CQWW WPX Contest, CW
Call: WB6BWZ
Operator(s): WB6BWZ
Station: WB6BWZ
QTH: Atlanta, GA
Operating Time (hrs): <24 (36 allowed of 48 for SO)
Band QSOs
160: 1 <-- NQ4I
80: 8
40: 76
20: 122
15: 79
10: 16
Total: 302 Prefixes = 156 Total Score = 73,164
Club: South East Contest Club
My first WPX CW contest. Nice to work Europe and Africa again.
WAC except Asia; I called JA's with no replies. 35 unique DXCC.
5-Bander (80-10M): NY4A
Best DX:
40M: ZL6QH/New Zealand, 8200 miles, 1640 miles/watt, 1042z
ZL2AL/New Zealand, 8070 miles, 1614 miles/watt, 1053z
20M: VK3EGN/Australia, 9700 miles, 1940 miles/watt, 0727z
15M: ZM1A/New Zealand, 8100 miles, 1620 miles/watt, 0207z
Yaesu FT-817 QRP xcvr, 5 watts into a 5-MHz OCF 28-gauge insulated wire stealth
antenna up 40 feet in heavy-foliage trees next to I-75 in downtown Atlanta
industrial area. SGC SG-237 autotuner. WriteLog 10.40j (manual logging and
scoring), no CAT interface.
Matt Lee, WB6BWZ
Atlanta, Georgia USA