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Subject: [SECC] WPX-CW K4OGG
From: jpryor at (John Pryor)
Date: Tue May 27 10:08:35 2003
I have never operated this contest full time from home but was tempted 
since for a number of reasons I have not been able to operate any contest 
full time since the WAE last August.  Things on the home front started 
falling into place a few days before the contest though, so I thought I'd 
give it a try.  Thursday night before the contest I was pulling my dipoles 
up to "contest height" and broke both my 80 and 160M antennas.  Before it 
got too dark I put together another 80M antenna and got it in the 
air.  Then, on Friday since the contest didn't start until 8 p.m. I got 
another 160M antenna up.  Even though 160 is not a big band for WPX, as it 
turned out I got 3 prefixes on the band, so I guess the effort was worth 
it.  The downside was that I was really tired at the starting gun and the 
prospect of sitting in the chair doing S&P for 36 hours was not 
appealing.  I got a bit of a boost when I worked a XW station on 40M but I 
convinced myself that 20 was not going to open to EU and got some four 
hours sleep early Saturday.  I'm sure that probably cost me.  I never got a 
good run going until a little past 2100 on Saturday, when I had three good 
hours on 20M.  No EU on 10M, most were with South America although I did 
get one ZS.  With all the funky callsigns being used, several times I got a 
"Hi Jay" when I didn't have a clue about who I was talking to.  I only 
worked one station on 6 bands -- guess who: NQ4I.  Thanks to Rick's 
gang.  I heard K4BAI a lot more than I worked him.  John was usually 
zigging when I was zagging.  The bottom line is, I'm now a WPX believer and 
think I'll add this to my "must do" contests in the future.  I made an 
effort to work 80 and 40 as much as possible for the higher points but QRN 
was pretty bad both nights.  I didn't do as well as I wanted on 15.  Most 
of my QSOs there were 1-pointers.

Here's the summary:

    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes

   160CW        5           5          5        3
    80CW       35          35         80       13
    40CW      278         277        784      154
    20CW      613         607       1364      217
    15CW      360         360        636      106
    10CW       54          54        108       21

  Totals     1345        1338       2977      514

     Final Score = 1,530,178 points.



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