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[SECC] NY4A breakdown

Subject: [SECC] NY4A breakdown
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Tue May 27 11:32:31 2003
OK.  Here it is again with the paste part put in.  

        Mon, 26 May 2003 22:30:04 -0400
        "Jim Jordan K4QPL" <>

Hi John,
Hope the party went well. Gotta' keep your priorities right, but missed
seeing you in a full time
effort. This was my first m/m contest, not counting FD, and I really had
a blast and learned a
lot. My biggest problem was copying through the QRM in pileups and some
of the noise from
the other stations in the room, both sound from people talking and RF
from harmonics
(particularly the 40M station) and other bits of hash.
Our summary is below. Howie was overly generous in naming me on 20M. I
did put in most of
the hours, but did get some help from Howie and others from time to
time. I guess the biggest
thing was putting in the hours which I managed to do.
The station was superb on all bands. I had an 'MP with good filters to a
full gallon monoband
amp. Antennas were a 4 el. monobander at about 125' and our secret
weapon, the "Big
Mother." This is an 8 element wire beam aimed at Europe. 1500 watts into
that and people
don't mess with your frequency! I pretty much kept the CQ's going full
time on 20 even though
the rate dropped to ridiculous levels after a while, but even 15-20 an
hour with 2 or 3 new mults
made it worth while. 
Heard NQ4I a lot with strong signal. Think they edged me out on QSO's on
20, probably due to
my lack of skill in maintaining rate when conditions were good. Also had
a bit of trouble with
the rotating beam dropping out intermittently so was pretty much locked
in to EU. 
Having only 4 ops total, with 4 positions, we couldn't keep everything
on all the time but of
course bands weren't open all the time anyway. With more manpower we
probably could have
slogged through some more low rate hours to add a few more qso's. Looks
like we should
place pretty high in M/M anyhow.
After the contest we had a few beers, played with the logging and went
to sleep about 11:30. I
planned to get up about 6 and drive over to Topsail Island about 75
miles away and have
breakfast with Tricia and Jon who had gone down for the weekend. About 5
a.m. we got an
incredible sound and light show from a thunderstorm which lasted about
an hour and a half.
Sure glad it came in AFTER the contest was over. Howie had the TV on CNN
when I came out
and mentioned that there was a big earthquake in Japan. That was a jolt
as Joanna is in
Tokyo. Watched CNN until I determined it was 250 miles north. Was still
concerned as my cell
phone doesn't work at Howie's. Anyway, by the time I got to the beach
Tricia had been online
with her and she was fine. The buildings shook in Tokyo and the scary
thing was that no one
knew whether there was more to come. Spent the rest of the day at the
beach and getting
back. I'm beginning to feel the lack of sleep, but didn't want to go to
bed early and wake up in
the middle of the night.
Our summary is below. Have a good week.
>>                              CQ WPX SUMMARY SHEET
>>    Contest Dates : 24-May-03, 25-May-03
>>    Callsign Used : NY4A
>>             Name : HOWARD HOYT
>>          Address : 549 BLUEBIRD TRAIL
>>   City/State/Zip : BLOUNTS CREEK, NC 27814
>>          Country : United States
>>   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes  
>> _____________________________________________________
>>  160CW        4           4          9        1
>>   80CW      335         331       1347       66
>>   40CW     1233        1191       5209      339
>>   20CW     1895        1849       4266      440
>>   15CW     1373        1346       3034      171
>>   10CW      385         378        720       35
>> _____________________________________________________
>> Totals     5225        5099      14585     1052
>>    Final Score = 15343420 points.
>>Four ops -
>>80M N4AF
>>40M K2AV
>>20M K4QPL
>>15M/10M/& logged limerick composition  W2CS
>>73, Howie
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