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[SECC] 6 Meters on my 40 meter beam.

Subject: [SECC] 6 Meters on my 40 meter beam.
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson)
Date: Sat Jun 14 23:45:09 2003
Last year K4WI said he worked the ARRL VHF Party using his 15 meter beam.  I
put my FT 920
on 6 meters this past week but found the 40 meter worked much better
although its got an oval pattern.    The night before the contest I worked
XE2K and V25XX and heard VP9/N0JK on both SSB and CW.

I found that with all the competition that its either feast or famine.  I
notice that I can work most loud stations 9 to 9+, and at times the weaker
stations S4 to 7.  Below S4 its forget it.   Put in 4 hours and worked 105
stations in 24 states and 3 countries (funny I could not hear the V25
today).   Some guys said I was loud and some like that WA7 in Arizona kept
calling CQ in my face.  The locals with 5 element or larger beams could work
the weaker stations easily but there was a set of stations who struggled
more than I.   One KB4 runs 10 watts but I got him through to CO2JK.

I heard N4LR, KU8E, W4WA (worked him), K6EID, and W4HM (he struggled to get
my call).   Bet the number of Metro Atlanta Stations on numbered at least 50

I have to get into the menu to set the audio on the 920 so it won't sound
like that hi fi audio.  I will also wire up my Heil BM-10 with HC-4 element
to replace the bland Telex contester boom mic set.   Now to figure a way to
get a beam up on a loaded tower,

See you tomorrow on 6.

73 Dave K4JRB

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