To all List members,
Last month I sent my now bi-annual plea for help to pay for the hosting and
maintenance of these lists, the Web site, and the Web
site. Unfortunately, the response this year was an extremely small percentage
of the response we had last year. So, I'm sending another message requesting
Our hosting costs are ongoing. Today, ham radio related traffic consumes at
least a T1 of bandwidth just about 24 hours per day. From 1996 until last
year, my ISP company was willing and able to cover the cost for this bandwidth.
Unfortunately, that is no longer possible.
If you are a frequent user of these mailing lists or archives, please consider
supporting their operations through our "subscription" program at the
Web site. If you decide to subscribe, you define the cost. Please base your
subscription amount on your perceived value of these lists, and your financial
ability to subscribe (if you are retired or unemployed and on a tight fixed
income, please let the rest of us cover you).
You can help by subscribing at If you
are unable to contribute by credit card, you can send a check to, 5095
Hamptons Club Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Or, by PayPal to
You can get more information here:
Thanks for your consideration.
Bill Fisher, W4AN