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[SECC] NAQP SSB Scores Claimed

Subject: [SECC] NAQP SSB Scores Claimed
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Tue Jan 20 16:18:10 2004
Hello all:

Anyone who hasn't posted your score here or on 3830 with a resulting 
summary from N7WA to cq-contest, please let me have that information 
right away, so I can post as complete a list as possible.  For the three 
teams that we registered, I don't have a summary from:  WT8Y and AA4LR.

I'd like to have total hours operating from WA4TII and WE4YL (AF4QZ).

Claimed scores for the Hungarian DX Contest last weekend:

KA1DWX  61 CW Q  0 SSB Q  35 mults  9,345  3.5 hours  SOAB CW
K4BAI   81       1        26        8,008  2.6        SOAB Mixed

This is often a fun contest.  You can work anybody else in the world.  6 
points for Hungarian stations, 3 for other continents, 1 for your own 
continent.  You can work each station once on CW and once on SSB on each 
band.  There is a 10 minute rule for band or mode changes (no exceptions 
for a new mult).  Multipliers are the political divisions in Hungary per 
band plus the members of the Hungarian DX Club (HG3DX and similar calls 
in some contests), whose members can send their membership number rather 
than the political division where they live.

Band conditions were not too good this time.  10 meters didn't really 
open to Europe Saturday, although it did so on Sunday and Tuesday of 
this week.  I was moved to 10 meters from 15 meters by HG1S and was able 
to work him for my only European QSO and he was on the skew path across 
Africa.  During the 10 minutes I stayed there, I worked other US 
stations, including KA1DWX, I think, and P43JB in Aruba.  I quit this 
contest when NAQP SSB started, but did work one additional station (the 
only one on SSB) during the NAQP in the person of RT0Q in Asiatic 
Russia, who was giving out serial numbers instead of his name and must 
have been in the HA contest.  I was going to use the amp to work him, 
but before I could get it on the correct band, he came back to me 


John, K4BAI.

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