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[SECC] This weekend's contests

Subject: [SECC] This weekend's contests
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu Feb 5 16:49:11 2004
Hello all:

The number of contests this weekend boggles the mind.  I am excluding a 
contest on 6 meters that involves only digital modes.  If anyone is 
interested in VHF digital mode contests, let me know and I'll include 
them in the future.

1.  NCJ North American Sprint, Phone.  00 to 04 UTC Feb 8 (Sat night 
local).  75, 40, 20 M.  Exchange both calls, QSO #, name and s/p/c. 
Special QSY rule for station who solicited the call.  See

2.  State QSO Parties:

     A.  Vermont QSO Party.  Runs all 48 hours of the weekend, 00 UTC 
Feb 7 to 24 UTC Feb 8.  Freq suggested:  SSB:  160-15 M in the first 25 
khz of the General portion of each band.  No suggestion for 10 M. 
(Please do not follow this suggestion for 160 M SSB!)  CW:  40 khz up 
from bottom edge.  Apparently includes 6 and 2 M.  Vt stations send 
RS(T) and two letter designation for county (list in the rules).  Others 
send RS(T) and s/p/c.  Somehow counties as multipliers in each of the 
following state:  VT, NH, ME.  Also VT club stations count as 
multipliers.  Not clear if a club station can be a mult as a club 
station AND a new county or not.  Not clear how you know what county you 
work in NH and ME, since they aren't required to send their counties.  I 
forgot to write down the URL, but this one is obviously run by beginners 
who didn't even take logic.  Look on one of the contest calendars for a 
web site if you are really interested.

     B.  Minnesota QSO Party.  14 UTC to 24 UTC, Saturday, Feb 7. 
Exchange:  Name and County (2 letter designator available on website). 
Outside MN, send name and s/p/c.  87 counties available in MN. 
Suggested freq:  CW:  50 khz up from bottom edge.  SSB:  1870, 3850, 
7250, 14270, 21350, 28450.  Also 6M and above.  Suggested time for 160 
meters 2330 UTC.  1 pt per SSB QSO, 2 pts for CW/RTTY QSO.  See  There are summary sheets and 
logsheets and county lists for download, but I couldn't print them with 
my computer/printer for some reason.

     C.  Delaware QSO Party.  17 UTC Sat Feb 7 to 05 UTC Sun Feb 8. 
Suggested freq:  1825 and 50 khz up.  1860, 3940, 7260, 14260, 21360, 
28560.  2 pt phone, 2 pts CW/digital.  No multipliers!  Only one class. 

3.  QRP Contests

     A.  FYBO Winter QRP Sprint.  16 to 24 UTC Sat Feb 7.  QRP HF only, 
CW or SSB (5 W max).  Exchange:  RS(T), s/p/c, first name, power out, 
and temperature at op's position (meaning your inside temperature if you 
are inside).  Bunch of different mults and bonus points.  See: 

     B.  Winter Fireside SSB Sprint.  Sponsored by QRPARCI.  20 to 24 
UTC, Sun, Feb 8.  10 W is QRP for SSB.  Exchange:  RS, s/p/c, QRPARCI # 
or power output for non-members.  Suggested freq:  3865, 7285, 14285, 
21385, 28385.  See:  Note that logs 
go to a different contest manager and address than in previous contests.

4.  RTTY Contest:  Mexico RTTY International Contest.  18 UTC Sat Feb 7 
to 1759 UTC Sun Feb 8.  RTTY on 80 through 10 M.  XE stations send RST 
plus Mexican state.  Others send RST plus serial #.  See:

5.  10 Meter Contest:  10-10 Winter Phone Contest.  Send name and s/p/c 
and 10-10 # if you have one.  Runs 00 UTC Feb 7 Sat through 04 UTC Feb 8 
Sun (48 hours).  See:

With these to choose from, everyone should be able to make a lot of QSOs 
and have a lot of fun this weekend.

Let me also mention, as a matter of information, that this is also the 
weekend for a closed club competition of the FOC CW Club.  It runs from 
21 UTC Friday until 21 UTC Sunday and members generally work each other 
around 25 khz up on CW on each band 160-10M.  The exchange is callsign, 
RST, and FOC membership number.  This is a 500 member maximum invitation 
type club whose members include W4AN, K4BAI, K4OAH, K4UEE, N4XP, K2UFT 
and K4EWG in GA and N4KG in AL and K4II in SC.  (Sorry to anyone I left 
out.)  If you hear someone you want to work who is in that contest, you 
might get a quick reply and an exchange of RSTs, but stations in rare 
countries or portable operations like ZF2NT, PJ2L, PJ5NA might not 
answer non-members since it would invite a lot more non-members to call. 
  I hope you won't consider them rude.  I always give an RST to anyone 
who calls, but understand the problem it might be if I were in a rare 


John, K4BAI.

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