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[SECC] Last weekend's scores

Subject: [SECC] Last weekend's scores
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed Feb 11 10:48:47 2004
Welcome to the SECC reflector WX4TM, Tom, a very active RTTY contester. 
   Tom reports that he has encouraged K9MUG along and K9MUG beat him in 
the XE RTTY contest last weekend, but I don't have his claimed score 
yet.  Tom also says that KE4KWE is busy with an illness in his family at 
the present time.

1.  XE RTTY Contest

K9MUG    ?
WX4TM    573 QSOs  1489 pts  117 mults  174,213
WB6BQX    68        178       30           5,340  QRP

This weekend will be the CQ WPX Contest on RTTY.

2.  MN QSO Party

N4PN  142 CW Qs  71 PH Qs  64 mults  11,720  9.5 hrs.  FCG
NA4BW  16        16        20           960            QRP

3.  FOC Marathon

K4BAI  1010 QSOs  2215 points.

I also made 70 QSOs in the 10-10 Winter Phone Contest after the FOC 
Marathon was over at 2100 UTC Sunday.  Band conditions were pretty good 
over the weekend on 10 meters, so I assume that contest
must have been very interesting.

I saw a report from N4AA of JA stations being heard at his Asheville, NC 
QTH on 10 meters last night.  Hope this signals good conditions for the 
next several weeks of contesting.


John, K4BAI.

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