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Subject: [SECC] CQ/RJ WPX for NR4X
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Tue Feb 17 12:35:05 2004
Well, the Club call got "baptized". Didn't get to start until about 3
on Saturday because the rig would not key.  Worked fine earlier, and
still don't know why. Finally built up an FSK interface.

QSOs   334
Mult   184
Score  130,660 to SECC

( 1 dupe ) ( which got by AF4Y and Me, and Writelog )
BTW, my 3rd Q was with KM4H he gave me a serial number of 1407 ( I
think ) Boy, would I like to see the combined scores of NQ4I and NR4X
operated as multis for this contest.

I think you would be looking at something like 5000+ qsos combined.


Incidentally, for any of you who have the OMNI 6, when the front panel
FSK button is pushed, you are transmitting FSK, but in all cases,
receiving LSB. I turned on the XIT and added 1.41 to the FSK frequency
and it then was right on. Also be aware that using the usual keying
circuit through a resistor to the Base of a NPN and then to the FSK
plug on the rear will key the FSK "upside down". Ten-Tec built it that
way, for reasons I don't quite understand. Solution is to feed through
the resister to the Emitter of the NPN, and ground the Base. Then, you
send the FSK upside down, and of course, that stupid circuit in the
Omni turns it upside down again which is where it should have been in
the first place.
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