KM4M 4894 1107 16,886,178 48 hrs. M/2 N4GG was one op
NY4A 4682 1088 15,640,000 47.5 M/M K4QPL was one op
NK4A 1237 650 2,970,500 35 SO40HP N4PN op from FLA
K4BAI 1528 643 2,260,145 34.5 SO(TS)ABHP
W4BQF 1024 495 1,141,172 -- SO9TS)ABHP
K4EA 684 452 697,888 -- SO15 HP?
NF4A 629 356 504,896 12.3 SO(TS)ABLP
N4NX 404 329 465,864 14 SO40LP
N4LR 476 303 340,269 15 SO(TS)AB LP?
KS4Q 360 288 244,224 -- SO20LP
AE4Y 340 205 145,960 -- SOABLP
WX4TM 214 176 78,848 6 SO(TS)ABLP
WW4LL 135 119 60,809 -- SO40 HP?
NA4W 234 156 54,288 10 SO10LP By NA4W
K4AQ 193 133 43,624 15.2 SOABQRP New call for WB6BWZ
AF4QZ 145 115 30,820 4 SOABLP
WE4YL 106 86 17,974 3 SOABLP By AF4QZ
NA4BW 37 34 2,754 1 SO20QRP
A good turn out and claimed scores. NG4Z (K2UFT), W4NTI, N4NO and
others in our area were QRV, but I didn't get their claimed scores in
time for this posting.
2.QRPARCI Hoot Owl Sprint
K4BAI 11 11 4004 0.7 hrs.
3. Mi QRP Memorial Day Sprint
K4BAI 39 26 3094 3.6 hrs. My first SO2R effort from home. Higher
power effort will be made after I get some filters.
John, K4BAI.