To all...
I am looking for a KW Amp to purchase and take to Costa Rica for our TI8M group
and wonder if anyone may have something gathering dust they'd be willing to
part with. I would like to find something with a pair of 3-500Z's...probably a
SB-220 as I'd like to keep the cost around $500-600 but obviously there are
other, commercially built 2 x 3-500 amps that would be even better (TL-922,
L4B, Amp Supply, etc). We have two amps down there now in storage but one of
them is somewhat light duty and only about 500-600 w and we'd like to replace
it with something a bit more reliable and stronger.
I realize my desired price is in a lower range, hence the probability of the
often loved / hated SB-220 as these appear to be commonly priced in this range.
I went to Shelby looking to see what I could find and only found one SB-221
for $600 and just really wasn't that jazzed by it, although that would fill our
need. We just really can't justify spending alot more money for equipment that
we store in Costa Rica and only use twice a year. Of course if anyone has an
Alpha 89 that's just in the way that they'd part with for $500 just to clear
out the shack, that'd probably be acceptable too...hi hi!
Our group will again be going down for the CQWW 'phone in late Oct so I'm not
in a big rush...we have 5-6 weeks to attempt to procure this if I can find
Thanks for any considerations!
Bob Wilson - W4BW