Nicely done Kent. Thanks! It seems more and more these days that a large
part of the perception of a company or organization is based on their web
site. Thanks for taking on this task and doing a good job with it.
At 05:49 PM 9/4/2004, AE4Y wrote:
>I'd like to announce that the SECC website has been re-modeled.
>Please take a minute to go by the site, look it over, and provide me with
>feedback on any changes that you would like to see made to it.
>If you don't like the new look, I can also put it back the way it was.
>My objective was to try to eliminate any of the old content that was
>obsolete, while retaining the content that was still current.
>I've been able to complete about 90% of what I wanted to accomplish with
>Phase I of the remodeling.
>There are still a couple of things remaining:
>1) I don't have the names and e-mail addresses of the officers showing
>(despite the fact that one page indicates that they are there
>somewhere. Do the officers even want their e-mail addresses listed?)
>2) The roster of members needs to be added. I've asked for some help on
>that from Ben, NJ8J; and will get that added as soon as possible.
>3) The version of the Constitution and By-Laws on the site does not
>contain the revisions that were made last year. Ed, K4SB is searching his
>files to provide me with those and I'll update the site as soon as I have them.
>I've also added a Photo Gallery just to see if there is any interest in
>maintaining that feature. It would be a place to post shots of members
>stations, photos of SECCers in action during the big contests, etc. etc.
>If nothing else, you'll be able to see what I look like from the
>samples that I've put up.
>Let me know what you like, what you dislike, and how I can make it better.
>Kent, AE4Y
>SECC mailing list