Sorry. I forgot to list the suggested frequencies for the Alabama QSO
Party this Saturday. They are: CW: 1815, 3540, 7040, 14040, 21040,
28040. SSB: 1855, 3945, 7240, 14280, 21390, and 28390. The Ala SSB
Net meets on 3955 and you might find some AL QSOs on that frequency when
the net is not in session. The Ala CW net (ASN) meets on 3575 khz at
0000 and 0300Z, so you might find some AL QSOs before or after those
nets too.
Jeff, KU8E, and I have decided not to go mobile in Alabama this year,
but we will be listening for Alabama stations from our home stations
this year. Hope we can go mobile again next year.
John, K4BAI.