Friday night I was discouraged about the noise and
propagation. After Saturday's run on 15m in the AM, I
recovered and began to think of my original goal of 1
megapoint. By Saturday at 2359z, I had 635 qsos
However, my body simply could not answer the call, and
I took 11 of the last 24 hours off. Once again, 15m
was the cornerstone. I expected better of my 204BA at
65 feet, but the three element homebrew quagi at 35
feet on 15m was the breadwinner. I did manage
9J2KC,5U7B,VQ9LA on 15m and VK6HD and VK6BWI on 40m.
The results:
Band QSOS QSO Pts. CQZONES DX States &
80 78 96 5 6 28
40 194 389 15 44 29
20 375 841 20 57 39
15 390 1113 17 66 15
10 7 19 3 5 1
1044 2458 60 178 112
total score---(60+178+112)x2458=860,300
Thanks to KE4UW,AE4Y,N4NX,WX4TM,K4SB and perhaps some
i've forgotten for qsos.
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