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[SECC] Alabama QSO Party

Subject: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party
From: ku8e at (
Date: Wed Sep 29 09:45:12 2004
 Maybe we need to figure this out by what type of contests each operate 
seriously and how it would benefit our club score.

 I seem to hear W4OC more in domestic contests than DX. That means we would 
want him in the circle for ARRL contests - like SS.  Now we need to figure out 
- does Cort do more DX type contests - Like CQWW, WPX, etc...  or does he also 
do SS seriously. If he is more of a DX contester than he can submit his score 
for CQWW DX, CQ WPX, CQ 160 etc.... but we only miss his score in the ARRL DX. 
That's 6 CQ contests (2 modes of CQWW, WPX - 2 modes and CQ160- 2 modes) vs the 
2 arrl DX contests (CW/SSB). So it's probably OK that he is still outside the 
circle for ARRL purposes but inside for CQ. Also remember that he can submit 
scores for the NAQP, Sprint, and other State QSO parties that don't use the 
ARRL circle for their rules.

Maybe we ought to get rid of the term "full member" for those inside the ARRL 
circle. Evryone should be a full member and those outside the ARRL circle just 
have to live with the fact they can't submit scores for the ARRL contests. 


> From: John Laney <>
> Date: 2004/09/28 Tue PM 11:16:18 EDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party
> Unfortunately, the circles done by K4AQ recently demonstrate that moving 
> the circle further south does no good.  We must move it further west 
> and, when we do, we lose W4OC and other SC members.  We can't have both 
> K4WI and W4OC.  73, John.

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