Score: 52866
Points: 534
Multi: 99
QSO's: 178
Total time: 7 hours
For the first time ever, Mr. Murphy visited me during a contest. First, my
Titan 3 blew up (probably a p.s. capacitor), then my Orion just quit putting
out power (no resets could bring it back to life), then Mr. Murphy decided he
would give me one more kick in the pants and a tree limb fell on my 600' open
wire feeders, breaking the wire on one side (no, I didn't splice and solder in
the dark!). Took the hint, and will get it all fixed this week.
Most all S&P on 15, 20, and a few minutes on 40m. Rates were pretty slow.
Murphy hit right at the time when both 40 and 80m were warming up to where I
could have done some running, but...... Heard several GA and ALA stations and
not too many TN stations. Enjoyable contest, but a little slow at times.
Tom - W4BQF