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[SECC] GQP Friday AM

Subject: [SECC] GQP Friday AM
From: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 06:44:36 -0700 (PDT)
Good morining,
I have K4AQ, Matt's, revised plan posted.  Thanks for working lists Matt.
We have heard from several GA stations planning home ops, KT4ZB, and others.
Rare Alabama will be activated by Dan W4NTI.  
And you know AL really is "rare" for many of us because of proximity.
As Matt is planning 5 counties, much as I am, I note the following excerpt from 
the GQP rules.
"Rover. Rover is a mobile or portable station that operates from at least six 
counties in Georgia making at least one contact from each county. ... "
We then have the choice of adding one county and being a rover, or not and 
being an "in state" home station. ( Portables working 2-5 counties are not 
actually defined well)
We can work 6 counties, even with only one contact in one of them, and submit 
the log as a home station, leaving the contact(s) for one county as a "Check" 
Interesting situation, but it it is good to have choices... hi.
After the party, we might think about a few tweaks to the rules to address 
this...  later though.
With the above said, I think the GA SOLP competition could be fun.  
I am even considering running LP to join the fray.
I will probably check a couple more times today for info....
Thanks for all for reporting your plans.
Mike, NE4S

Please use mrcne4s at as my address.
Be well, 
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