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[SECC] GQP rules

Subject: [SECC] GQP rules
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 18:12:46 -0400
The reason for the extra points for CW contacts in GQP and most other 
contacts is twofold.  It takes more equipment and skill to make CW 
contacts.  It takes more time to make CW contacts.  The extra points for 
CW contacts is pretty standard in most contests.  Some use different 
ratios, 1 for phone and 3 for CW and mobiles (boy is that a nightmare to 
score--phone mobiles count 3 and CW mobiles count the same as a fixed CW 
station), 2 for phone and 3 for CW.  But is is a rare contest where 
CW/Digital and Phone count the same.

Also, remember that whatever changes we make require changes in every 
software logging program.  It has been hard enough to get the few that 
we have to cover the GQP.  I guess there are modules for NA, TR, EQF, 
Writelog, N3FJP, N1MM, and maybe SD.  It took us from 1999 until now to 
get those available and you still can't use CT and others.  We'd be, in 
effect, starting over with the contest program modules.

Already there are QSO Parties that I have logging modules for that have 
changed their rules and I have to do a heck of a lot of editing the 
Cabrillo file before submission to the sponsors because either there is 
no current contest module for NA or I don't have the current one.  There 
is a lot to be said for consistency.

Also, while nothing is set in stone and I doubt anybody is keeping 
all-records anymore (I did for the 20 years or so I ran the contest in 
the 1960s, 70s, and early 80s), any change will make all-time scores 
meaningless or at least will require a lot of ****s in any such record.


John, K4BAI.

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