Just to let the group know, myself and Becky are planning on leaving
Friday to particiapate in the West Virginia QSO Party as a mobile. Good
luck to all that are playing. Here is some of the mobile activity you
can expect:
NY4N / M - 18 JUNE 2005 @ 1600 Z to 19 JUNE 2005 @ 0200 Z - Both SSB and CW
Will be participating in the West Virginia QSO Party. Will use mostly CW
on 20 and 40 meters, 80 later on in the day and higher bands, if open.
There is a small chance that health issues may keep me from going, but
as it stands now, should be leaving in the next 24 hours. Good luck to
all that are playing. Here are the counties that I intend to activate,
in the order from which they will be worked: 1-2 Wayne - Lincoln Co line
3. Cabell 4. Putnam 5. Mason 6. Jackson 7. Wirt 8. Roane 9. Kanawha 10.
Clay 11. Calhoun 12. Gilmer 13. Braxton 14. Nicholas 15. Webster 16.
Randolph 17. Pocahontas 18. Greenbrier 19. Monroe 20. Summer ny4n at aol.com
W8OP - Alan - 1* - June 18 to June 19 - Both SSB and CW - ECC accepted
West Virginia QSO Party Mobile Entry. 1600Z Sat to 0200Z Sun. I will be
running up to as many as 15 WV counties during the contest. I will be
single entry with no logger and won't do much operating on the fly. The
counties listed in order of run are: Marion (MRN), Wetzel (WET),
Marshall (MAR, Wetzel, Tyler (TYL), Pleasants (PLE), Wood (WOO), Ritchie
(RIT), Doddridge (DOD), Harrison (HAR), Lewis (LEW), Upshur (UPS),
Barbour (BAR), Tucker (TUC), Preston (PRE), Taylor (TAY). Approx. Freqs.
7.035, 14.035, 14.0565, 7.238/43, 7.260 & 14.260 (& 14.340~). I can
accommodate a 30M request for a particular county, if you need it REAL
bad. I will have to stop and change resonators. Please , only requests
for one of your last in WV, this trip. (30M contacts are not good for
Send email requests to w8op at aol.com
I have heard from only one NC who is planning on mobile who is Ron
Bailey, AA4S.
His proposed route is McDowell, Wyoming, Mingo, Logan, Boone, Kanawha,
Fayette, Raleigh, Mercer